Firearms Training Specialist Promoting
Responsibility Through Education
Train with a certified rifle and pistol coach and highly qualified tactical firearm instructor who is an advocate of individual firearms ownership rights, and is equally concerned with the responsibility associated with those rights.
"Responsible Firearm Ownership Requires Proper Training" |
2020: 2020 will mark the start of our 11th training season. We will probably be moving our outdoor training back to Racine since their range renovations have been completed. We look forward to another successful year of safe and responsible firearm training.
2019: On January 20th, we will celebrate our 10th year of operation. We will be focusing on running tactical pistol courses this season as well as offering Illinois CFP permit renewal classes. Of course we will run our other tactical courses as well, but the pistol/revolver will be our mainstay this season. We hope to see more of you in our training classes this year.
2018: This year we will celebrate our ninth year of operation. Where does the time go? I'm glad 2017 is behind us because I suffered excruciating injuries to both of my shoulders in early June which limited my ability to do a lot of demonstration in the classroom and on the range. Thanks to all of my adjunct instructors, they kept the classes rolling for me. A special thanks to Markis and "The Protege" for always being there for me. I'm now back in the gym, swimming and lifting weights to get my shoulders in shape for the upcoming training season.
This year, we will focus primarily on the application of the tactical pistol. We will of course run our Two-day Tactical Pistol course which is Registered & Approved with the NRA's LE Division, as well as our one-day Advanced Tac-pistol and our Advanced CCW courses. We will also offer our Two-day Tactical Revolver and our Low-light Tactical Pistol courses. The Low-light class really rocked, so if you've never shot or handled a firearm in darkness you really need to check this class out. To attend any of the Advanced or Low-light courses you must have completed one of our Two-day Tac-pistol courses first as the advanced skills build on what you learned in the two-day course.
Another new offering this year will be the addition of our Two-day Introduction to the 1911 Pistol course. While many people own a 1911 pistol of some flavor, not many really know how to run one tactically and under stress. This class should be very interesting because I consider the accompanying Power Point some of the best work I've ever done.
ATTS also created a Hall of Fame in 2017 to recognize some of our very best clients and gun handlers. These thirteen (13) individuals not only took almost every course we offer, they excelled at everything they did in the classroom and on the live-fire range. Kudos to you all!
By the way, since the Racine range is down for some upgrades in 2018, we will be utilizing another outdoor range facility in Trevor, Wisconsin. We were very lucky to get to use this secluded property, so I hope to see some of our old friends and some new faces training with us at our new facility this summer?
2017: As our eighth anniversary quickly approaches on January 20th, I'd like to again thank all of our client's for making this milestone possible. Without our loyal client base and the new faces that they bring to our classes, ATTS would not have survived this long.
We are adding a new class to our tactical lineup which is our Advanced Concealed Carry Tactics. This is NOT an entry-level class for obtaining your CCW permit, but an 8-hour live-fire tactical class where you'll run and gun your sub-compact pistol or revolver from under a concealment garment. Prerequisites to attend this course are having completed either our ATTS Two-day Tactical Pistol or Revolver course, and possessing a valid CCW permit from any state. If you routinely carry a handgun for self defense you need to be in this class!
2016: I’m proud to say that the Academy of Tactical Training and Security, LLC will celebrate its seventh year of operation on January 20th. I’d like to personally thank each and every one of our clients for their past and continued participation in our courses and for making our seventh year possible.
With all that has been happening in the world and across the country, I foresee 2016 to be a very busy training season for ATTS. I believe we will see a major upswing in clients wanting to obtain their Illinois Concealed Firearm permits, and many more people who will want to obtain high-end tactical firearm training for their handguns, Black rifles and tactical shotguns. We have not only added several Two-day Tactical Pistol courses to this year’s schedule, we’ve also added our new One-day Advanced Tactical Pistol course. Not only will this course build on the skills that our clients have already amassed in our Two-day pistol courses, we’ve added several advanced tactical skills and drills to the mix.
The Advanced course will only be available to the alumni of our two-day pistol courses. But for those who have been unable to attend out two-day pistol course, one will be offered prior to our new advanced class. Package tuition’s will be available to those booking both classes at the same time. I look forward to seeing many of our old friends in our upcoming classes and hopefully making many new friends in 2016 as well.
2015: 2014 was another banner year for ATTS. I personally want to thank all of our clients for selecting ATTS for their training needs and for referring us to their friends and family members as well. We made a lot of new friends in the process. In January of 2015, ATTS will also celebrate it's sixth year of operation. We will continue offering all of our Two-day Tactical courses with the addition of our new Precision (Sniper) Rifle course, and our new Tactical Revolver course. Many people own revolvers for concealed carry and home defense so we believe this course will be a most welcome addition to our tactical lineup. Watch for them both on our 2015 schedule.
As of 2015, the National Rifle Association has bestowed it's prestigious Advanced Pistol Instructor's certification upon all of the ATTS' adjunct instructional staff. That is pretty impressive in itself.
We will also continue to offer our 16-hour Illinois Concealed Carry courses when requested by our clients. Illinois Concealed Carry was a flash in the pan for us here at ATTS. We ran several large classes at first, and then requests died off completely. We believe that the huge number of instructors on the State's website (around 3,000) had a lot to do with this. As we found out through the media, many were, and still are unqualified to teach this course. Add that to the State's extremely high application fee, and the stringent restrictions they placed upon the citizens of Illinois on where they could carry their pistols probably turned a lot of people off. The State was expecting to process 400,000 applications the first year. I believe they only processed about 100,000. We'll see if 2015 brings any any changes from Springfield in regard to the application fees, and if they decide to relax some of the carry restrictions, but I would highly doubt it.
2014: On January 20th, ATTS will celebrate it's fifth anniversary. To mark this milestone achievement, we've got six of our Two-day Tactical training courses set, as well as our very popular Dynamic Force on Force Air-soft courses, and a slew of Illinois CCW courses set throughout the year. We will also run as many NRA Instructor-level courses as we can fit into our busy schedule. Please check our Schedule Page for more information.
2013: Illinois Concealed Carry is now law. My course curriculum and my instructor credentials have been approved. We are only teaching our full 16-hour, state approved course. I'm sorry to say but we cannot give you credit hours for any previous firearm training, nor will we accept a military DD-214 as proof of service. The amount of liability placed upon the instructor's to verify these documents is staggering. It has also been brought to our attention by investigators we personally know at the VA that at least 60% of the DD-214's in circulation are fraudulent so we cannot assume the risk.
January 20, 2013 will start the fourth year of service to the shooting community for ATTS. 2012 was an excellent year for ATTS as over 100 students attended our two-day tactical firearm courses, not to mention the scores of students who attended our Utah/Florida Concealed Carry courses, our Dynamic Force on Force Air-soft courses, and those who trained to become NRA Certified Instructors and Range Safety Officers.
During 2012, Pete obtained several more instructor ratings. One was for Dynamic Force of Force Air-soft Instructor. We ran two DFOF courses in 2012 and they were immensely popular and successful. We will be running several of these classes annually from this point on. Our extremely realistic DFOF scenarios are the closest a student will ever come to facing a deadly force encounter without actually having to experience one first-hand. We strongly recommend this course to anyone who is in law enforcement, works security, or is a civilian CCW holder.
Pete also certified as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B). His goal was to create an even safer training environment for his students and to offer top quality First-aid training for the shooting community with a class aptly titled, "Trauma Emergency Intervention for Firearm Instructors and Shooting Enthusiasts".
2012: In June of 2012, Peter J. Kolovos applied for and met all of the mandatory requirements to earn the coveted "Advanced Pistol Instructor" Certification from the NRA Training Division in June of 2012. He is probably one of the first instructors in the nation to have this prestigious certification bestowed upon him.
Being that the State of Wisconsin has finally adopted concealed carry, and being that Wisconsin now recognizes the Utah non-resident permit, interest in obtaining the Utah Concealed Firearm Permit will greatly increase with Illinois residents during the coming year. ATTS has already scheduled many more Utah CFP classes to accommodate the demand.
2012 has brought several new courses to the ATTS curriculum. The three most important will be the “Black Rifle Basics” program which is a two-day indoctrination of the AR-15 platform of rifles. The “Introduction to the Tactical Shotgun” which is a two-day block of training on the Tactical pump shotgun, and the two-day Tactical Pistol course. All three of these exciting new courses have been Registered and Approved by the NRA Law Enforcement Activities Division. ATTS is in the process of having their Precision Rifle training program registered and approved as well. We are also in the process of creating a "Force on Force" training program utilizing Air Soft firearms. Keep watching the ATTS web site for updates.
2011: 2011 was a very busy year for ATTS. It had Pete traveling all over the country to train and to be trained as well. It started off with him attending several of the NRA law enforcement instructor development schools. The first was the Precision Rifle Instructor School in Memphis, TN, followed closely by the Patrol Rifle Instructor School in Ford City, Pennsylvania, and the Handgun/Shotgun Instructor School in Mexico, MO.
He also traveled to Salt Lake City, UT to renew his Utah Concealed Firearm Permit Instructor rating, and then attended the IALEFI Master Firearms Instructor Development Program in Chattanooga, TN. He also became a Regional Counselor for the NRA’s Refuse to be a Victim Program.
Since the inception of ATTS, Pete has personally trained and certified well over 200 new NRA Certified Instructors in several shooting disciplines, and has trained approximately 200 students for their Utah or Florida Concealed Firearm Permits. With the State of Wisconsin now accepting the Utah Non-resident concealed carry permit, Pete expects interest in the Utah permit to skyrocket, especially with Illinois residents who routinely travel to Wisconsin.
By constantly attending and updating our own training, ATTS strives to bring you the best firearm instruction in the Midwest region. Pete believes that people should never stop wanting to learn, or think that they ever have enough training, and that goes for instructors as well.
2010: September 2010 found Peter J. Kolovos instructing 90 female shooters during the National Rifle Association’s Second Annual Women’s Wilderness Escape held at the NRA’s Whittington Center in beautiful Raton, New Mexico.
The ladies, came from all over the United States, to learn to shoot various types of firearms which included small bore rifles, tactical carbines, long-range high power rifles, Five-stand Sporting Clays, revolvers and semi-automatic pistols and archery. Other activities included an NRA Wild Turkey Hunter Clinic, a Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminar, survival training, wild game calling, tree-stand safety, a mock hunt, stargazing, and GPS navigation.
Because of his vast experience in the many aspects of the shooting sports, Director of Firearm Training, Peter Kolovos applied for and was selected as an NRA staff instructor for this event. As an NRA Certified Training Counselor and NRA Certified Coach he not only instructs new shooters but he has classes where he trains the trainers.
2009: In January of 2009, the Academy of Tactical Training & Security, LLC was founded by former Deputy Sheriff, Peter J. Kolovos. He started that January off with his first class of 20 Utah Concealed Firearm Permit students, and ATTS has been going strong ever since.